- Providing preferential seating
- Providing quiet corner
- Adapting writing utensils
- Providing space for movement or breaks
- Altering physical arrangement of classroom
Instructional Modification Ideas
- Teaching to learning style
- Varying method of instruction
- Varying content of lesson
- Providing alternate assignments
- Providing extra visual and verbal cues and prompts
- Providing books on tape
- Allowing use of computer and calculator
- Providing textbooks for at home use
- Modifying time demands
- Allowing answers to be dictated
- Providing a word bank
- Providing highlighted activities
- Giving no penalty for spelling errors
- Following routine or schedule
- Assign specific tasks of project due at specific dates
Social/Behavioral Support Ideas
- Allowing rest breaks
- Providing immediate feedback
- Conducting functional behavioral analysis
- Implementing behavioral intervention strategies
- Providing peer buddies
- Providing counseling
- Providing verbal and visual cues regarding directions or staying on task
- Giving notice, warning before change in activities
Staff Support Ideas
- Enhanced staffing
- Providing one on one aide
- Instituting Co-teaching arrangement
- Providing small group instruction
- Providing staff development
Testing Accommodation Ideas
- Allowing answers to be dictated
- Allowing frequent rest breaks
- Allowing additional time
- Allowing oral testing
- Giving choice of test(multiple-choice, essay, true-false)
- Accepting short answers
- Allowing open book or open note tests
- Shortening test
- Reading test to student
- Providing study guide prior to test
- Highlighting key directions
- Giving test in alternate site
- Allowing calculator, work processor
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